About Jodi Sanderholm

Jodi was born Sept. 26, 1987, in Arkansas City, to Brian J. and Cindy A. (Shanks) Sanderholm. Jodi attended Arkansas City schools, graduating from Arkansas City High School in 2006. She was one of four valedictorians in her graduating class. While in high school, Jodi was a member of the National Honor Society, a Kansas State Scholar, a Kansas Board of Regents Scholar and earned the Outstanding Physics Student of the Year Award presented by David Stinemetze. She was a member of the Ark City High School Dance Team for four years. Two of those four years she was the captain. Jodi was a member/instructor of Ark City Dance and a Universal Dance Association Instructor. After high school, she attended Cowley College where she studied pre-pharmacy. While at Cowley, she was a member of the Cowley Tigerette Danceline.



Tribute Video by Dayton Gates:

3 Responses to About Jodi Sanderholm

  1. amy roy says:

    I would like to fellow up on the stuff that goes on.

  2. Dennis Family says:

    We are thrilled that this chapter is over for the Entire Shanks/Sanderholms family. We know that nothing will ever bring Jodi back to you. But we hope that this will bring a small amount of peace and help you with the healing process. God Bless You!

  3. JD20785 says:

    I came across Jodi’s story on the Extreme Forensics show and I was moved to find out more about her life. While she died in a horrible, unspeakable way, she should not be defined by her death, but rather by her many accomplishments and by the light that she brought to the world. I did not know her, but I would have been proud to have her as a daughter, sister, or a friend. This tribute was beautifully done and will help those like me, who didn’t get the opportunity to know this wonderful young woman, to get a glimpse of what a precious gem was stolen from us all.

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